неділю, 30 червня 2013 р.

Installation "Forest spirit appears"

Technique and message: First I choose place, then I made a sketch idea what I wanted to show. "Forest spirit appears" consists of several characters: you can see there an owl, two birds kissing and the face of grandfather character - the spirit of the forest. To attach matches to the tree bark I used glue. It was very hard, because every match is very tiny and several times I reattached them. Then I took ropes to make moustache for spirit character. Moustache here symbolizes wisdom and old age. I glued it only in the center, so the wind could play with ropes. I wanted to remind people of wood, its natural power, that is our first source of breathing. I wanted to make people think a lot of it, because our forest is full of garbage, the reason of what is many picnics. I choose this idea for my work to make people think about trees widely. Spirit of forest is among us and we shall respect it.

installation "Nature art project"

впустити спокій лише за волінням або думкою, скинувши з плечей п'ять тон нісенітниць та сенітниць, скинувши у прірвище прірв, у скопище безглуздь, у капище хаосу. видихнути разом із вітром, натягнувши на себе светр безтурботності, кульбабок, ромашок та радощів.

дивись, як крутиться ця планета — і дихай.впустити спокій лише за волінням, хто б міг подумати, це може бути так просто. сто років ти був водієм вантажівки, а зараз керуєш автобусом. і в будь-який момент можеш зупинитися, пересісти на велосипед. і їдь, і йди собі на чотири сторони. злітай, якщо можеш, вчи інших.і легкість довкола. і ти прекрасний. частина задуму, герой полотна, одного з тисячі, одного з мільйону мільйонів. і вся планета — з тобою. будь задоволений :)

суботу, 8 червня 2013 р.

What do you see when you're looking at me?

30x42, chance collage, paper, ink, pen
What are we  made of? Isn't it a repeat of words, letters, visions that we saw yesterday, years ago, in our dreams or reality? We fall into the vanity of everyday living — news, readings, crowds of people, we drown in this flow of information. One thing is for sure - is death, that we all going to meet. It's just a fact (without any reliogions points of view) - men are mortal. 
So for this work I chose a chance collage technique, paper as the canvas, ink and pen. Newspapers made a background, and its meanings is the flow of information and vanity of life. I chose an image of the Colosseum as the idea of crowds and visual inspirations, bones and skull to show the sybolism of death in some humour way, because I didn't want to scare viewers. There is also Bible travesty in the right corner of the bottom of the artwork. It symbolises different religion points of view on the REAL TRUTH, that none of us knows. There are arrows in the right up corner of the  artwork. They symbolise sense of purpose of every man. How would our life was filled with debris, every man has the right to dream and set goals. And all this ideas is united with portait of a man - main character of the artwork. Only man can unite all these things, only man can make them senseful. I wanted people to think about the questions how all the vanity influence on their minds, thoughts and dreams, taking precious time and place in their heads.
Is it really choice of every one or a necessary thing to survive?

Side by side with Melancholy

30x35, chance collage, paper, ink, pen

For this work, I chose the technique of collage. I didn`t have a chance to try how it works, so I was curious to learn it. "Side by side with melancholy"  embodies my view on the phenomenon of the small soul of man, in which there is always a thread of sadness about the ecological situation on the planet.

Colors show that we will talk about a serious, somewhat sad things, as a combination of yellow and black is associated with melancholy. Picture of an elephant (that is a holy creation in India) with yellow paper passage on the eyes shows great animal problem in general as opposed to elements of an industrial plant, represented in the form of pipes on the edges of the frame composition. 
The main character and the whole story seems compressed in industrial problems. I`ve sketched portrait  with  the factory landscape. If all animals became one figure of man, how would they have thought? All production, chemical and other waste are sharp hatches, black spots, background of everyday life. And we, people, are a part of animal pain, so we share their sadness. This is the main plot of my artwork. Side by side with ecological problems, that causes strange feeling, somewhere deeply in our hearts, but very specified kind of compassionate melancholy.

середу, 5 червня 2013 р.

Fridge magnet

Магнітик з морських камінців на холодилник. 
"Сова" та "Дерево богів"


14x20cm, ink, pen, paper, Photoshop

Deity knowledge

"Deity knowledge"
30x42 cm, paper, ink, watercolor, pen

Deity force

"Deity force"
30x42 cm, paper, watercolor, ink, pen


 30×42 cm, paper, watercolor, ink, pen